'We have MERCH! https://www.sillyschoolsongs.store/ and more to come! http://sillyschoolsongs.education At last, by popular demand, here is our song about the (dwarf) planet Pluto! Kids will go on an unforgettable musical journey as they learn all about the Ninth Planet That Once Was. We miss you Pluto!!! Lyrics: Pluto, you\'re smaller than Earth\'s moon And that made some people think that you weren\'t good enough to be a planet But we believe that you feel differently And here\'s why... You used to be the ninth planet from the Sun Till the International Astronomical Union Reclassified you in 2006 They said that you no longer qualified For planet status in their eyes How could they play such a cruel celestial trick? Chorus: Pluto, you\'ll always be a planet to us They made you a dwarf, it\'s not fair Pluto, you didn\'t even put up a fuss Now they\'re acting like you\'re not there Your distance from the Sun on an average day Is about 3.6 billion miles away And your temperature is -369 degrees (BRRRRRR!) You\'re made of water and ice with a rocky core This should have been enough, but they wanted more It takes you too long to make your way around the Sun In 76 years, your orbit\'s only just begun!!! Chorus: Pluto, you\'ll always be a planet to us They made you a dwarf, it\'s not fair Pluto, you didn\'t even put up a fuss Now they\'re acting like you\'re not there You\'re periodically closer to the sun This is when your ice thaws and your atmospere forms It\'s made of methane and nitrogen Pluto!!! (We miss you, we really, really miss you) You have 5 moons that we know so far You\'re the largest planet out there among the dwarfs You have an elliptical orbit that makes you kind of crazy Trading places with Neptune they can\'t say you\'re lazy! Chorus: Pluto, you\'ll always be a planet to us They made you a dwarf, it\'s not fair (What\'s up with that?) Pluto, even though it\'s all a big bust We honestly just don\'t care Copyright 2017 Silly School Songs. All Rights Reserved. Image Credits: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nitrogen_Tile.png https://www.nasa.gov/ Konkoly Observatory/András Pál, Hungarian Astronomical Association/Iván Éder, NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI #sciencesongs #plutosong #planets #sillyschoolsongs'
Tags: PLUTO , dwarf planet , pluto planet , planet songs for kids , pluto for kids , pluto dwarf planet , pluto song , pluto song for kids , dwarf planet songs , pluto got demoted , pluto demoted , pluto song planet , pluto song lyrics , pluto facts , planet pluto , planet pluto for kids , pluto planet song , pluto planet for kids
See also: